Facial Plastic Surgery

In Nashville

Refined & Restored

A More Youthful You Awaits

Aging is inevitable, but no one likes to feel older – much less, LOOK older. As a Top-Rated Cosmetic Surgeon in Nashville, TN, Dr. Alton Ingram and his team have been providing our patients with a more youthful and fresher facial appearance thanks to some incredibly popular and safe facial surgeries. 

older woman smiling at herself in the mirror looking good | Ingram Cosmetic Surgery Nashville

Eyelid Surgery

When eyelids droop or appear heavy, it can create a “tired” or “angry” resting appearance that no one wants, sometimes, even affecting the patient’s vision. Blepharoplasty can rejuvenate your appearance and create a more relaxed appearance.

blonde woman smiling with red lipstick | Ingram Cosmetic Surgery Nashville


Loose, sagging facial skin is a very common side effect of aging due to loss of collagen and elastin production. With a Facelift, our team can tighten it all up and have you looking like your younger self again.

woman wearing a towell touching her face

Neck Lift

The dreaded “Turkey Neck” affects both men and women as they age and is often the attribute people don’t tend to notice until it’s too late. A Neck Lift from Dr. Ingram can not only reduce a saggy neck but even take years off your appearance!

Dr. ingram looking good with a nice suit | Ingram Cosmetic Surgery Nashville

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If you’re interested in a consultation with Dr. Ingram, we welcome you to fill out our contact form. One of our friendly coordinators will get in touch with you shortly to schedule your one-on-one visit.


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