A mommy makeover is an informal term to describe a set of surgeries to help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy form.
Childbirth and motherhood are rewarding but can be challenging and take a physical toll on your body. A mommy makeover gives you one less thing to worry about by helping you get your body back.
At Ingram Plastic Surgery in Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Alton Ingram and his team specialize in carrying out skillfully executed cosmetic surgeries like the mommy makeover.
Learn more about what to expect from a mommy makeover below.
What is a mommy makeover?
A mommy makeover is a set of cosmetic surgeries tailored for women who have undergone childbirth. Though it isn’t for everyone who fits in this category, it’s beneficial for women struggling to get back their pre-pregnancy bodies.
What is included in a mommy makeover?
A mommy makeover is typically made up of the following procedures.
Breast Enhancement
Whether or not you breastfed your baby, pregnancy can affect the look, shape, and feel of your breasts. Different types of breast enhancements can be done to rectify this.
A breast lift may be done to raise your breasts if they are sagging. If the size of your breasts were affected, you might opt for breast augmentation to improve their size and fullness.
On the flip side, you can also consider a breast reduction if your breasts became larger than you’d like.
Tummy Tuck
No part of your body goes through more tremendous change than your tummy during pregnancy and childbirth. The stretched skin around your stomach often loses its elasticity and stays loose.
A tummy tuck is used to remove excess skin around your tummy and tighten your abdominal muscles.
It isn’t uncommon to develop excess labia tissue after childbirth. Even though this is perfectly normal, you can opt for a labiaplasty to reduce it if you are uncomfortable with it.
A labiaplasty not only helps reduce the size of your labia but also makes activities that may have become uncomfortable as a result of the change to your labia become enjoyable once more.
Weight gain is to be expected during pregnancy. However, if you struggle to shed the pounds after childbirth, liposuction might be for you.
Liposuction is the process of getting fat surgically removed from areas like your thighs, stomach, and arms.
What to expect after your procedures
It’s essential to give your body time to heal after your procedures. In general, you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for at least four to six weeks after your procedures.
Three months after your procedures, you can expect to start noticing what your final results will look like. However, you may still have some swelling for up to six months after your procedures.
Thinking about getting a mommy makeover? It’s crucial to go with a skillful and experienced cosmetic surgeon you can trust, like Dr. Ingram. Book a consultation today by making an appointment online or calling 615-431-3710.